Short Vowels Exercise

Hi again. I hope you’ve enjoyed watching the monophthongs video and the exercise for long vowels? This is the second exercise that goes with the monophthongs video (Vowel Sounds Part 1). You can practise the short vowels of British English. The style of the exercise is very similar to the long vowels exercise. Try it out and have fun!

11 thoughts on “Short Vowels Exercise

  1. For me, some of them are easier than other ones. The most difficult for me is the sound Schwa (unfortunatly is the most common in spoken english). So I’ll try watch the video more times for improve my pronunciation. Thanks 🙂

    • That’s normal Barbara. Spanish does not differentiate between short and long vowel sounds, so it might take a little more practice to hear the difference. Just try again and see if you find it easier the second time!

  2. I haven’t found the exercise difficult, it’s really interesting listen the pronunciation of the words, and try to found the different sound.

  3. It’s a good exercise, and not very difficult because it is easy differentiate the short vowels of the long vowels.

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